...is an online service for health promotion, which was developed specifically for people over the age of 65. HASICplus is a cost-free online offer developed as part of an EU-Project and borne by the participating universities.
Registration is necessary for the utilization of the health course. You can register anonymously with a made-up name and a password, which you have to enter every time you log on to the site. If you want to use the “neighbourhood support”, which is part of the “local services”, you will have to register with your name and correct address.
You can access the registration form, the login and your personal settings via the button “my HASIC+”.
Participating in the HASICplus health course supports you in achieving and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. However, HASICplus is not a replacement for medical advice, diagnostics and therapy. If you are suffering from a medical condition please consult your physician whether the participation in HASICplus is suited to your therapy regime.
Especially concerning physical activity consulting your physician is important. This applies particularly to beginners and to people who have had a longer training break, to persons with health conditions or ailments. Also if risk factors such as smoking, high blood pressure, high serum lipid levels or diabetes are present, we strongly recommend a physical exam by a GP or specialist in sports medicine. Health related incidents of older people are mainly caused by undetected heart or cardiovascular conditions. Therefore a physical exam is essential for older people, people exhibiting risk factors and after a longer training break.
The HASICplus health course will advise and instruct you in changing your habits. We will base our recommendations on the current state of research. However, we do not guarantee that a specific health goal or other goal will be achieved.
Your participation authorizes you personally to read and apply the modules of the health course as often as you wish.
In the course of the individual consultation it is necessary to request, save electronically and to analyse personal information. Your information will only be used for the services provided by the website, the scientific evaluation of the website, and to further develop and improve the website. Your information will not be passed on to third parties. The data privacy laws of the Federal Republic of Germany apply (see data privacy statement).
If you are participating in the health course as a registered user you can pause or terminate your participation any time. You have the right to correction, disabling or deletion of your data. However, this is only possible if we can match the data to you personally. If you are participating in the course under a pseudonym, this is not possible.
The German copyright laws apply for the contents of this website developed by the site-operator. Any duplication, processing, distribution or any form of utilisation beyond the scope of copyright law shall require the prior written consent of the author or authors in question. Downloads from this website and saving parts of the website is only permitted for personal, non-commercial use. Concerning those parts of the website not developed by the site-operator the copyright of third parties was respected. These parts are indicated. If you should, nonetheless, become aware of a copyright infringement, please notify us. Once we have become aware of a specific infringement of the law, we will immediately remove the content in question.
We reserve the right to change the contents of the website without prior notice. This does not result in a liability. We should like to point out that any form of usage of the information provided on the website is at your own risk. The programme cannot substitute for medical treatment or advice. The service providers endeavour to provide correct and comprehensive information on the website, however, we do not assume liability or guarantee for the up-to-dateness, completeness or accuracy of the information provided on the website.
The service provide shall also not be liable for damages or inconvenience caused, directly or indirectly, due to use or misuse of information provided on the Website. This also applies to content of third party websites which are linked to this website.
Notice of liability: Even though the content and links of our website have been compiled with meticulous care and to the best of our knowledge we cannot assume liability for such external content. In all cases, the provider of information of the linked websites is liable for the content and accuracy of the information provided.
Should individual terms of this agreement be ineffective or lose their effectiveness due to later circumstances, the legal effectiveness of the other provisions is not affected.