Problem-Solving - Introduction and Example

Problem solving often begins with you feeling somehow uncomfortable. Such a feeling is a good indication that something is wrong.

Imagine for a moment, that you live alone and you feel somehow unhappy. With closer reflection you may find out that you miss social contacts. Except by shopping or accidental encounters on the streets you have not chatted with anyone in the past week. And in the weeks before it was perhaps not much better. You should set a goal that you would like to have more social contacts. Next, think about how you could accomplish this goal. Which people in your neighborhood, you could maybe invite for coffee or tea in the afternoon? Or you could try to find out which venues, courses or other events are available for people like you in the vicinity. You could perhaps start to attend a gym, and then socialize from there. You decide that it is perhaps easier to invite, the nice elderly gentleman who lives next door and the one who always greets so nicely and lives down the street for coffee. Then you decide to invite them at the next encounter for coffee within the next few days. You decide to put your plan into action; you bake a cake for the coffee time. Have a nice afternoon with your guest whereby you chat and amuse yourselves.

In the following pages, the individual steps are explained in detail again regarding problem solving.

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